March 1, 2024
Publication Day


So, yesterday The Colossus finally set sail. We tried to make her as shipshape as possible, but as she ventures into uncharted territory we can only wish her well. I am sure there will be some choppy water ahead, but hopefully also some periods of plain sailing.

Today I wanted to acknowledge the role that Vickie Boff, my marketing guru, has played in preparing The Colossus for its fantastic voyage. When asked, I have always said that the writing was the thing - not getting published or hitting sales targets. The journey, not the destination. But, in truth, once I'd taken the manuscript (with a lot of help) to a point where I thought it was the best I could make it ... I found that I did want to reach an audience. I did want my book to be read.

Vickie has done some amazing work to help me connect with strangers as well as the friends and family who want to support me. Here's a short example of her work. A VT sting announcing the launch of The Colossus. Play it loud!  The Colossus Promo VT.mp4 

Launch Event tonight. Scary and exciting in equal measure. 

'The greatest adventure is what lies ahead' Tolkien